Month: July 2011

Civics, Society and Activism

A Senator A Week Keeps the Outlook Less Bleak

Hoo boy, we live in “interesting” times.  In thinking about what direction to point the laser beam of my shiny new education, I’ve started to compile mental lists of all the things that are totally, embarrassingly, inexcusably wrong with the city/state/nation/world we live in.  I’ve avoided committing it to paper partly because I don’t want to get overwhelmed.

But I have an idea.  What about building into one’s weekly routine contacting a legislator?  Every week.  There are plenty of issues to be passionate and active about, and this type of exercise could only help one become more literate about the political system.

Has anyone tried something like this?  Do you think being a frequent caller would dilute the efficacy of your message, like when your state senator gets another email from you they’d just put it in the spambucket with a sigh about that one person who writes in every … Read the rest

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